The Family Constellations and Somatic Healing Institute (FCSHI) is dedicated to training new and existing practitioners of all backgrounds in the practice of Family Constellations and trauma-informed somatic (body-based) techniques. The Institute strongly supports leading-edge practices and emerging research that illustrate that trauma, and virtually all barriers we face today cannot be fully grasped and healed on the level of mind alone.
By training a new wave of practitioners that are expert in family, somatic and intergenerational trauma, FCSHI seeks to expand on existing models that approach healing one-person-at-a-time and create truly meaningful, systemic and multi-generational change.
Beyond The Family Blueprint
An online, seven-week training and self-healing journey using Family Constellations practices and principles.
Learn powerful and life affirming practices that equip cycle breakers and helping professionals alike to connect with their innermost gifts, address generational histories of trauma, and do the work that writes a better future.
Intentions Of This Course
Create an experiential learning environment that is equal parts personally healing and educationally driven
Build these practices in conjunction with somatic, trauma-informed fundamentals
Provide valuable guidelines and practices for both newcomers and relatively familiar practitioners of this work
Offer a supportive and non-judgmental environment for all participants to explore the complexities of their history and the way it informs their experience today